Save the day for the 2025 Michigan TWS Annual Conference on March 19-20!
A pre-conference professional workshop is being developed for the afternoon of March 18th, and the main conference schedule will start the morning of May 19th.
The Michigan TWS annual conference is the largest event of the year that brings Michigan wildlife students and professionals together in a safe, engaging, and fun environment. We look forward to the opportunity to learn from and connect with the Michigan TWS community at our annual conference, hosted at Treetops Resort in Gaylord, MI.
Selected topics will be delivered in a symposium style setting, providing a platform for participants to actively engage with symposium leaders.
In addition to special topic symposia, the conference will offer several general topic oral presentation sessions as well as a student poster session. These sessions are a great opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to gain valuable experience presenting research topics, network with fellow Michigan wildlifers, and learn about current wildlife research and management throughout the state.
We invite Michigan’s wildlife students and professionals to submit your idea for a symposium topic, general presentation, or simply attend and enjoy the conference!​
Submission Deadline: December 31st
We invite students (undergraduate or graduate) and professionals to submit proposals for oral or poster presentations. In addition to special topic symposium sessions, we will also offer several general topic oral presentation sessions and a student poster session. Presentations can highlight completed projects or projects in progress, and are open to any wildlife-related topic relevant to Michigan or the Great Lakes region (e.g., research, management, education, etc.). Proposal abstracts for both oral and poster presentations must be 300 words or less in length.
Submission Deadline: December 31st
We invite submissions for special topic symposia. Each symposium will be delivered during an 80-minute session. Sessions can be structured to accommodate the desired format by the symposium organizer but require at least three speakers and time for audience engagement (e.g., Q&A, panel discussion). Topics should relate to the Working for Wildlife, conference theme (see above).
The Michigan TWS Executive Board is offering a limited number of Student Professional Development Grants ($200 each) to encourage student participation at the upcoming annual chapter meeting
Tentative Schedule
Tue, March 18
Professional Development Workshop:
Light snacks and meals
will be provided.
Wed, March 19
8:00am - 9:00pm
Invited Plenary
Special Topic Symposia
Contributed Presentations
Society Business Meeting
Professional-Student Social Mixer
Poster Presentations
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks during breaks will be provided.
Thu, March 20
8:00am - 12:00pm
Special Topic Symposia
Contributed Presentations
Breakfast and snacks during breaks will be provided.